Check Cleared Process
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Check Cleared Form template in Next – Generate Forms/Letters


  1. Open the order location that a check cleared form is needed
  2. Use the link in the right side panel “Generate Forms/Letters”
  3. Select the template “Check Cleared Form”
  4. Click to “Generate” the template
  5. The template will be generated and can be viewed or downloaded from the tagged document screen under “Location Correspondence” section. *** This should not be displayed on the website for the client to see***
  6. Click the file to download to your PC
  7. Open the file and confirm accuracy for the payment you need to verify; if changes are needed, update the fields that are incorrect ***See Exceptions section of this document for a complete list of exception cases and how to handle***
  8. Use the Word functionality to “Share” the document via email
    1. Click “File”
    2. Click “Share”
    3. Click “Email”
    4. Click “Send as attachment”
  1. Outlook will open with the file attached
  2. Address the email to with subject line as the Order number

***Exception cases – Template must be edited:

  1. Wrong fee check information populated on the form:
    1. Edit the check information on the form prior to sending. You will need to update the check number, payment date and the check amount in this case.  Note – The system will only tag the last (most recent) payment issued on this form.  If the payment you are validating was not the last payment issued, you will need to edit the form.
    2. Save the changes (if any were made) and re-tag the updated form.
    3. Delete the prior version that was updated and replaced.
    4. Continue with step 8 above.
  2. The wrong payee populated on the form:
    1. Edit the payee prior to sending. Note – We do not currently have a data tag for check payee so we are using the location name in this field.  If we issued payment to an entity that is different from the location name, you will need to edit the form.
    2. Save the changes (if any were made) and re-tag the updated form.
    3. Delete the prior version that was updated and replaced.
    4. Continue with step 8 above.
  3. The wrong “Requestor” populated on the form:
    1. Edit the “Requestor” prior to sending. Note – We do not currently have a data tag for user generating the form, so we are using the FE user assigned in this field.  If the order is not assigned to you or you are working a list, you will need to edit the form.
    2. Save the changes (if any were made) and re-tag the updated form.
    3. Delete the prior version that was updated and replaced.
    4. Continue with step 8 above.

Delcia Whitaker
Project Manager